As of September 1, 2012, the University Transportation Center for Mobility (UTCM) is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived UTCM website remains available here.



Ginger Goodin

Ginger Goodin is a Senior Research Engineer and Program Manager in TTI's Austin Office. She has led Texas research in the emerging area of mileage and VMT-based fees since 2007. She supervised the study Feasibility of Mileage-Based User Fees: Application in Rural/Small Urban Areas of Northeast Texas that examines public attitudes and perceptions of mileage-based user fees. She is currently leading a study exploring the alternative technology solutions for potential implementation of a VMT fee pilot project in Texas.

Scott Andrews

Mr. Andrews consults the transportation industry in the technical conceptualization and system engineering of advanced ITS systems. In his current role as System Architect for the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Proof of Concept program, he has been responsible for defining the system requirements, leading the various technical teams performing development work, and resolving functional and performance issues on the VII Proof of Concept Demonstration Test Environment including the VII Consortium vehicles.

Kevin Balke

Dr. Balke is currently the Director of the TransLink® Research Center at the Texas Transportation Institute. The TransLink® Research Center is a multi-modal, public/private research program to develop and implement new concepts and technologies for linking together the different elements of the transportation system to improve the overall operation and efficiency of the entire transportation system. Dr. Balke's research efforts have been concentrated in the areas of traffic signal systems, freeway management, operational effects of geometric design, and motorist information systems, and he has participated in numerous state and national research projects.

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Richard "Trey" Baker

Richard Baker is an Associate Transportation Researcher with the Texas Transportation Institute. Mr. Baker has worked extensively on researching mileage and VMT-based revenue generating mechanisms. In 2008 he conducted research into public attitudes and perceptions regarding mileage-based user fees and helped develop a framework for implementing a mileage-based user fee in a rural and small urban setting. He is currently involved in research examining the institutional issues surrounding a transition from the fuel tax to mileage-based transportation financing mechanisms. Mr. Baker has also led the development of a model for estimating future mileage-based user fee revenues at the state level.

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Peter J. "Jack" Basso

Peter J. "Jack" Basso is the Chief Operating Officer and Business Development Officer for AASHTO, overseeing the management of a $60 million nonprofit organization representing the interests of State Departments of Transportation. He develops new member services, and markets current technical services provided for AASHTO members. Prior to joining AASHTO, Mr. Basso served as Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs and as CFO of the US DOT where he oversaw the development of a $60 billion budget and interacted with senior officials, members of congress and key industry officials on transportation matters. He has held numerous positions in administration and management with the Federal Highway Administration.

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Kenneth R. Buckeye

Ken Buckeye is Program Manager for Value Pricing with the Office of Policy, Safety and Strategic Initiatives at the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Ken has more than 20 years of experience in transportation planning and project management covering nearly all modes of travel. Most recently his work at Mn/DOT has focused on value pricing alternatives as a means to manage demand and to help finance transportation systems. He has led the department on numerous value pricing research and development initiatives including HOT lanes, pay-as-you-drive demonstrations, and mileage-based user fees.

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Joe Cantalupo

Joseph Cantalupo joined the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) as its Executive Director in April of 2008.  Since coming to CAMPO Joe has concentrated on strengthening CAMPO’s role and prominence as the regional transportation agency for Central Texas, creating partnerships with other agencies and helping to shape the development of the 2035 long range transportation plan as a tool for creating an integrated transportation system and making good transportation choices.  Joe came to CAMPO from Parsons Brinckerhoff in Austin where he served as a senior planning manager responsible for working with MPOs.  Prior to joining PB Joe was the Deputy Director of Planning for the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), where he was responsible for statewide and regional planning.

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John Cloutier

John Cloutier is the Chair of the Public Outreach Committee for the North East Texas Regional Mobility Authority. He is also the President of the Rusk County Rural Rail District and Vice President of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Cloutier served in the U.S. Navy from 1987-1993 aboard the USS Nimitz and the USS Shiloh as an expert in Electricity and Electronics, Auxiliary Support Mechanics, Naval Surface Warfare, and Management and Training. Mr. Cloutier moved to Henderson, Texas in 1996 and has since founded his own company, Blazer Electric & Satellite Company.

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Glenn Deitiker

Mr. Deitiker is the President and Chief Technology Officer of Telvent Caseta. As the founder of Caseta, Deitiker has developed electronic toll collection and video toll systems for some of the most audit intensive toll authorities in the world including the development of the E-ZPass system for the MTA Bridges & Tunnels in NY, and the all-electronic Open Road Toll System and Video Toll System for the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority in Austin, TX. Deitiker is also a founding Board Member of the OmniAir Consortium, in which he serves as Executive Chair of the Electronic Payment Services Committee, charged with the development of national interoperable payment standards for toll collection as it exists today and extends to the future using GPS, 5.9 GHz DSRC devices and others.

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Jerry Dike

Jerry Dike, Past International Board Chair, American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA). He is also past Director of the Vehicle Titles and Registration Division in the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Dike's undergraduate major was mathematics and computer science. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with an MBA in 1987, authoring a Master's thesis, "A Strategic Look at Highway Funds". He currently works as an independent MV consultant, and remains very active in the AAMVA North American community.

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Linda Harper-Brown

Texas State Representative Linda Harper-Brown has served District 105 in the Texas House since 2003, and has been heavily involved with the state's transportation policy for over 15 years. She is currently a member of the House Transportation and Elections Committees, the Sunset Advisory Commission, and is Vice-Chair of the Transportation Committee for the National Conference of State Legislatures. Also, she was recently appointed to serve as Chair of the House Transportation Subcommittee on License Plates. Rep. Harper-Brown has worked with the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition and TEX 21 to improve Texas traffic and infrastructure, and has made transportation policy a top priority throughout her role as a leader in the State of Texas.

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Robert C. Johns

Robert Johns was appointed director of the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota in 2001. Johns previously served as the Center's deputy director and associate director. Nationally, Johns is active in the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies. He currently is chair of the TRB Technical Activities Council, providing oversight to TRB's 200 technical committees that address all aspects of transportation.

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Matthew Kitchen

Matthew Kitchen is the Program Manager for Development within the Data Systems and Analysis Department at the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) in Seattle, Washington. He has 10 years of experience in transportation and economic analysis and previous experience in the field of economic development. He specializes in the areas of transportation planning, transportation economics and financial analysis.

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Andreas Kossak

Andreas Kossak, Dr.Eng., is a transport engineer and town planner. For more than 25 years he has run his own research and consulting company. Before then, he was department-head at "Freie Planungsgruppe Berlin" (town- and traffic-planning) for 10 years (5 years partner) and for 5 years managing director of "Studiengesellschaft Nahverkehr" (public transit technologies, systems, operation). He is active in all transport sectors—specializing in strategic and political aspects, infrastructure financing, infrastructure project assessment and PPP. He has been permanent adviser of the German High Commission on "Financing the Federal Transport Infrastructure".

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Jon Kuhl

Jon Kuhl is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Professor of Public Policy at the University of Iowa. He received his M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1977 and Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1980, both from the University of Iowa. He is currently the Principal Investigator for a federally-funded national evaluation of a mileage-based road user charge. This study is conducting a comprehensive field-test of a prototype mileage-based charging system at six sites throughout the U.S.

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Jim March

Jim March is leader of the Industry and Economic Analysis Team in the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs. He manages a multi-disciplinary team of economists, engineers, and transportation specialists who conduct a broad variety of transportation policy studies on topics such as highway finance, public private partnerships, highway cost allocation, truck size and weight policy, the federal role in surface transportation, and impacts of highways on economic productivity. He recently was on the policy staff of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission and is playing a central role in developing the USDOT's upcoming surface transportation authorization proposal.

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Adrian Moore

Adrian Moore is Vice President at the Reason Foundation. He has a Ph.D. in transportation economics from University of California, Irvine and is a member of the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Finance Commission. He is coauthor of: Mobility First: A New Vision for Transportation in a Globally Competitive Twenty-first Century published last November.

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Lee W. Munnich, Jr.

Lee Munnich has been a senior fellow and director of the State and Local Policy Program at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs since 1991. For the past fifteen years Munnich has led the Humphrey Institute's research, education and outreach activities on congestion pricing and transportation finance. His work in Minnesota and at the national level has had significant impact on policy leaders' understanding and public perceptions of congestion pricing and has led directly to I-394 MnPASS, Minnesota's first high-occupancy toll (HOT) lane project, located in Minneapolis and western suburbs.

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Anne O'Ryan

Anne O'Ryan is the Legislative and Government Affairs Manager for AAA Texas where she has worked for more than 8 years. Prior to that, she managed AAA Oregon/Idaho public affairs and the member magazine. Anne has served on several transportation finance and traffic safety committees for both AAA clubs; she was a member of Oregon Governor Kitzhaber's Transportation Finance Stakeholders Task Force; she served on Governor Perry's Trans-Texas Corridor Advisory Committee and is a member of the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Regional Safety Council.

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Ed Regan

Ed is an Executive Vice President with Wilbur Smith Associates and has been with the firm for almost 35 years. For over 20 years he managed the firm’s TFT Group, which is dedicated almost exclusively to traffic, revenue and operations services to the toll industry, and he has provided support and senior guidance on the WSA Illinois Tollway contract for over 25 years. He is a recognized expert in road pricing and managed lanes and has been involved with landmark projects such as SR 91 (the world’s first "managed lane"), I-15 in San Diego (the world’s first use of dynamic pricing), the I-394 (MNPASS) project in Minneapolis,  the I-95 Express Lanes in Miami (one of five federally funded UPA projects) and many more. For many years, Ed has spoken nationally about "moving off the gas tax" and about a "national pricing system".

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Michael Replogle

Michael Replogle is Transportation Director for the Environmental Defense Fund, a non-profit group with over 500,000 members, and President and founder of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, a non-profit group that plans and implements bus rapid transit, non-motorized transportation, and urban revitalization initiatives world-wide. He is widely published and holds degrees in Civil Engineering and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. He advises the U.S. DOT, the Singapore Land Transport Authority, and many governments and businesses around the world on transportation planning, management, and finance.

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Darrin Roth

Darrin Roth is Director of Highway Operations with the American Trucking Associations. He joined the organization in 1996. He serves as the primary staff liaison to ATA's Highway Policy Committee, which establishes ATA policy on a wide range of issues, including transportation mobility and investment, truck highway access and vehicle size and weight regulations. Darrin held several positions in the fields of public policy and public relations prior to joining ATA. Darrin has a B.A. in Political Science from the American University and did postgraduate studies in public administration at George Washington University.

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Steven Simmons

Steven E. Simmons, P.E., is the deputy executive director of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). He implements and manages TxDOT policies and programs. He assists with the daily administrative and engineering operations of the department. Simmons became the deputy executive director Nov. 1, 2001.

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Ray Starr

Ray A. Starr is the Assistant State Traffic Engineer for ITS with the Minnesota Department of Transportation. He leads Mn/DOT's ITS development unit and the Traffic Electrical Systems unit, which provides leadership and technical support for traffic signals and roadway lighting. He has a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota.

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Katherine Turnbull

Katie Turnbull, Associate Director at the Texas Transportation Institute, is Head of the System Planning, Policy, & Environment Research Group. She manages programs in College Station, Arlington, and Austin with 180 employees and an annual research budget of approximately $10 million. In addition, Dr. Turnbull is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M University. Dr. Turnbull's research focuses on high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities, transit, transportation planning, travel demand management (TDM), and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). She has conducted projects for local, state, national, and international sponsors. She served as Chair of the TRB HOV Committee for 6 years and currently Chairs ITE's Transit Council. She is also a member of the ITS America Coordinating Council.

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David Ungemah

Since May 2009, David Ungemah has consulted from Parsons Brinckerhoff's (PB) Austin office. At the time of this symposium, he was based at the Texas Transportation Institute's Agency Liaison Office in Austin. His expertise includes High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) systems, High Occupancy Toll (HOT) and managed lanes policy and facility development, roadway pricing and tolling analysis, Transportation Demand Management (TDM) technical analysis, Transportation Demand Management (TDM) technical analysis, transportation outreach and marketing, and alternative transportation development. His work has included alternatives analysis for major transportation investments and policies, strategic planning processes for market-based transportation policy programs, various municipal and corridor plans and priorities in transportation improvements, and professional and citizen outreach efforts for transportation policy development. Mr. Ungemah is a member of the Transportation Research Board's TDM and Congestion Pricing Committees and a participant in the TRB Joint Subcommittees on Managed Lanes and Public Outreach in Congestion Pricing.

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James M. Whitty

James Whitty is the manager of Oregon Department of Transportation's Office of Innovative Partnerships and Alternative Funding. He obtained his bachelor's degree and Juris Doctorate from the University of Oregon. Through the Office of Innovative Partnerships and Alternative Funding, he manages the development of transportation projects as public-private ventures and the Road User Fee Pilot Program. James joined the department in 2001 to manage several task forces with "cutting edge" missions for innovative transportation funding, including the Road User Fee Task Force to develop a mileage fee to ultimately replace the fuels tax, and the Innovative Finance Advisory Committee. James has led all aspects of development and implementation of Oregon's visionary Road User Fee Pilot Program.

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