As of September 1, 2012, the University Transportation Center for Mobility (UTCM) is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived UTCM website remains available here.

Conference on Performance Measures for Transportation and Livable Communities



Full Summary
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Opening Session

General Session

Luncheon Speaker

Closing Session

Breakout Session 1: Complete Streets Performance Measures

Breakout Session 2: Sustainability, Livability, Planning, and Policy Performance Measures

Breakout Session 3: Urban and Rural Livable Communities

Breakout Session 4: Transportation Performance Measures for Communities of all Sizes, Shapes, and Forms

Breakout Session 5: Land Use, Social Justice, and Environmental Performance Measures

Breakout Session 6: Livable Communities and Transit Performance Measures

Breakout Session 7: Access to Destinations Performance Measures

Breakout Session 8: Freight, Economic Development, and Return on Investment Livability Performance Measures

Breakout Session 9: FTA Livability Performance Measures Projects

Breakout Session 10: State, MPO, and Local Examples

Breakout Session 11: Bicycle and Pedestrian Performance Measures



ERIC GLEASON, Texas Department of Transportation

The closing luncheon featured four panelists who provided their thoughts on the general themes emerging from the conference. The panelists also highlighted areas for further research and follow-up activities. The topics covered by the panelists are summarized below.

Eric Gleason

Texas Department of Transportation

Joe Zietsman

Texas Transportation Institute

Lynne Bly

Minnesota Department of Transportation

Christopher Forinash

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Eric Gleason

Texas Department of Transportation

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Joe Zietsman

Texas Transportation Institute

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Lynne Bly

Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Christopher Forinash

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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